Tēnā koutou and welcome to Te Whare Manaaki South Centre Anglican Care Trust’s webpages. We are proud to keep the community of South Invercargill at the heart of what we do – older people, younger tamariki and their families, you are welcome. We provide support and education in South Invercargill and beyond.
South Centre Anglican Care Charitable Trust Southland – Te Whare Manaaki
Physical Address:
9 Jenkin Street, Invercargill
Postal Address: P O Box 7100, Invercargill
Phone: 03 218 2777 or 214 0344
Email: southcentre@xtra.co.nz
Our Hours Are
Monday to Thursday – 9am to 4pm
Friday – 9am to 3pm.
Please feel free to call in just to have a cup of tea and a chat or borrow a book.
Do you have some feedback?
Contact us at P O Box 7100, Invercargill or telephone 03 218 2777 or 214 0344
Email: southcentre@xtra.co.nz
We love hearing when we have made a difference to people’s lives, but also if we can do things better. If you have a complaint, this will be dealt with quickly and confidentially accordng to our complaints procedures (contact us for a copy of these).

South Centre is part of the Anglican Care Network

Our Services Include
Other Groups and Services
Gardening Circle meets second Wednesday of the month at South Centre 1:30pm.
Falls prevention exercises in conjunction with the YMCA on Wednesday afternoons 1:15 to 2:15 cost $3.
Every second Wednesday of the month these exercises are held at the YMCA
Weigh In Group a friendly group who support each other while loosing weight meets Monday mornings 9:30am cost $1 fine 50c.
Senior Citizens Cards – Do you enjoy playing Euchre? If you would like to join us, then you are most welcome to come along to the South Centre on Tuesday afternoons at 1.30pm Cost is $3.00 and this includes afternoon tea.
Library – we have books you can borrow, all our books are now in alphabetical order which makes it easier to select a book by your favourite author.