Faith Communities Videos
Our Life and Faith
Below are some videos that capture key moments in our faith communities.
We also have videos in yearly Playlists in our You Tube Channel:
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2024
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2023
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2022
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2021
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2020
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2019
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Anne van Gend reflects on Isaiah 55: 1-9: Sometimes “freedom” when we are others have been captive, can be quite frightening. We get used to the predictability of what we know, and we hold back from God’s gifts of Grace. What are those things that are keeping us (and our world) captive today?
Anne van Gend unpacks readings from 1 Corinthians 15, talking about death and resurrection – something raw, painful…but important to reflect on.
Today’s gospel reminds us that the words of Jesus were so controversial. Anne van Gend reflects on how there is a release that the forgiveness of Christ brings, that this forgiveness is hard for us to do…but our world still desperately needs it.
In today’s homily, Bishop Kelvin reflects on the paradox that it the Trinity… something not meant to be understood, but which speaks to us of how God operates in Love.
Advent is all about incarnation: “God-with-skin-on” getting close up and personal with us. This song from the Iona Community talks about this in terms of “Love” drawing near to us and all that this means.
Day two of three days of an Advent Pilgrimage with the Otago Peninsula Anglican Parish. This day was from Macandrew Bay to Broad Bay, portobello to Quarantine Island, the onto Port Chalmers, finishing in Holy Trinity church. Read the full article at:
Christ the King Sunday on 24 November 2024, and Bishop Kelvin Wright unpacks why this actually makes a difference for us in Aotearoa today.
On Sunday 10 November, a book “Unto Us A Church Is Given” was launched after the morning service at St Barnabas, Warrington. These photos record some of the joy of this occasion: celebrating the telling of the story of a small church with a big heart.
A special addition to All Saints’ (Dunedin North Parish) patronal festival this year was the blessing of two bells in a recently installed belfry. The bells were previously in St Stephen’s Hampden and St Chad’s Middlemarch, and the belfry was designed and built by Peter Mason. See also
The Ven Anne van Gend reflects on Mark 10: 46-52 with a reminder that Gospel characters are real people (just like us), crying out for wholeness and inclusion: who do we disable simply because of our attitude towards them?
A sad farewell was given to the All Saints complex in Lumsden on Sunday 22 September at 5pm. For an article on this occasion, see
Anne van Gend reflects on James 3: 13-4: 3, 7-8 and the late Rabbi Sacks who talked about the difference between politics, economics and the covenant way of God, where the more we give, the more we have.