Re:Gen On Tour (Dunedin)

Elm Church 67 Harrow Stree, Duneidn, Otago, New Zealand

RE:GEN On Tour is a Youth Leaders Training for all denominations being organised by the Presbyterian Church, Scripture Union and the Anglican Church What is RE:GEN? Encouraging & equipping youth ministry leaders from across Otago & Southland RE:GEN is a gathering of youth leaders from local churches. Whether they are paid professionals or volunteer warriors, […]

Local Churches AGM

St John's Church Milton 165 Union Street, Milton, Otago, New Zealand

Please contact the Diocesan office if you have not received information for this AGM. Morning Tea will be provided

Diocesan Lay Ministers’ Training Day

St Mark's Anglican Church Balclutha 19 Renfrew Street, Balclutha, Otago, New Zealand

This Training Day is open to anyone in the Diocese who is interested in attending, but it is recognised as an essential part of the Licenced Lay Minister annual training requirements.

Re:Gen On Tour (Invercargill)

Invercargill Central Baptist 11 Deveron Street, Invercargill, Southland

RE:GEN On Tour is a Youth Leaders Training for all denominations being organised by the Presbyterian Church, Scripture Union and the Anglican Church What is RE:GEN? Encouraging & equipping youth ministry leaders from across Otago & Southland RE:GEN is a gathering of youth leaders from local churches. Whether they are paid professionals or volunteer warriors, […]

6 Day Silent Retreat

En Hakkore 207 Orangapai Sanatorium Road,, Orangapai, Otago

A 6 day silent directed retreat in the vast open spaces of the Maniatoto. Date: 1-6 March 2020 Venue: En Hakkore, Orangapai (near Ranfurly) Time: Sunday 1 March 11.00am to Friday 6 March lunchtime. Registration closes 21 February. Retreat Team: Kelvin Wright, Barbara McMillan, Judith Anne O’Sullivan, John Franklin Registrations and enquiries to John Franklin,


Discipleship Committee Meeting

Peter Mann House 1A Howden Street, Dunedin

The monthly meeting of the Discipleship Committee at Peter Mann House and via Zoom conference.

Re:Gen On Tour (Cromwell)

Cromwell College 9 Barry Avenue, Cromwell, Otago

RE:GEN On Tour is a Youth Leaders Training for all denominations being organised by the Presbyterian Church, Scripture Union and the Anglican Church What is RE:GEN? Encouraging & equipping youth ministry leaders from across Otago & Southland RE:GEN is a gathering of youth leaders from local churches. Whether they are paid professionals or volunteer warriors, […]

Diocese of Dunedin Trust Board (DDTB)

Peter Mann House 1A Howden Street, Dunedin

Monthly meeting of the DDTB at Peter Mann House and via Zoom video conferencing

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