Southland Prayer Breakfast

Holy Trinity North Invercargill 61 King Street, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand

Saturday 1 August, 8 - 9am, Holy Trinity Invercargill. All are welcome.

Southland Archdeaconry Service of Recollection, Renewal and Commitment

Holy Trinity North Invercargill 61 King Street, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand

The service will have a number of elements of the Chrism Eucharist where we renew baptism and ordination vows. We will also give thanks for our COVID-19 journey this year giving thanks for the church and political leadership and the team of 5 million that has brought us to this point of relative safety. We […]

Southland Archdeaconry

Holy Trinity North Invercargill 61 King Street, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand

Tuesday 4 August 12 - 2pm @ Holy Trinity Invercargill. Lizzie Moore, Scripture Union Staff Worker for Youth and Young families will be talking to us about past camps, future camps, and Bible reading.

Quiet Day for Personal Retreat

St Margaret's Brighton 4 Seaview Terrace, Brighton, Otago

Organised by Southern Coastal Deanery.Take time apart with God in the lovely environment of St Margaret’s Anglican Church and Retreat centre (4 Seaview Terrace) Brighton.  This is your time of personal quiet with God in community. We begin and end our time with a brief sharing and the rest of the time is spent in […]

Diocese of Dunedin Synod

St Matthew's Church Dunedin 30 Hope Street, Dunedin, Otago

Please see link below for further information

Quiet Day for Personal Retreat

St Margaret's Brighton 4 Seaview Terrace, Brighton, Otago

Organised by Southern Coastal Deanery.Take time apart with God in the lovely environment of St Margaret’s Anglican Church and Retreat centre (4 Seaview Terrace) Brighton.  This is your time of personal quiet with God in community. We begin and end our time with a brief sharing and the rest of the time is spent in […]

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