Zoom Evening Prayer with St Martha’s
1/2 hour Zoom evening prayers every Wednesday. Use this link: https://otago.zoom.us/j/92907772180… Password: 029328
1/2 hour Zoom evening prayers every Wednesday. Use this link: https://otago.zoom.us/j/92907772180… Password: 029328
Monthly meeting of the DDTB at Peter Mann House and via Zoom video conferencing
Every Wednesday a time of meditative/contemplative prayer is offered in the small meeting room at Holy Cross Church – (access 5 Bellona St St Kilda.) We gather at 5.30 pm and move […]
1/2 hour Zoom evening prayers every Wednesday. Use this link: https://otago.zoom.us/j/92907772180… Password: 029328
Join communities from across the Diocese over Zoom to share worship together. Services are normally led by Bishop Steve, with others filling in where necessary. The service is one of […]
Every Wednesday a time of meditative/contemplative prayer is offered in the small meeting room at Holy Cross Church – (access 5 Bellona St St Kilda.) We gather at 5.30 pm and move […]
Monthly meeting of Social Transformation Committee (STC) at Peter Mann House and via Zoom video conferencingJ
1/2 hour Zoom evening prayers every Wednesday. Use this link: https://otago.zoom.us/j/92907772180… Password: 029328
This is an opportunity for people who want to explore becoming a Rural Chaplain to complete the basic level of training necessary to the role. It is also open to […]
You are invited to the induction of the Rev'd Michael Holdaway as Priest in Charge of the Otago Peninsula Parish.
Service of Secularisation at St Alban's Balfour, with Bishop Steven. Followed by morning tea.