The ‘Taste’ of a Talking Circle.
Sunday 21st April 2024 2pm-5pm (arrive from 1.30pm)
A Talking Circle can be a highly effective process for a group to use when we want to establish (or renew) trust and relationships; explore issues and creative opportunities; and develop shared commitment and collaborative action. This workshop will provide a ‘taste’ of a Talking Circle by inviting participants to engage with a real topic (to be advised). The afternoon will include a debrief session to reflect on the process, ask questions, and explore potential applications in church leadership.
This workshop is for those who wish to explore the potential applications of Talking Circles in day-to-day church life. For clergy and others who want to learn how to regularly facilitate Talking Circles in parish (or regional/enabler) leadership, including in complex or conflicted settings, we recommend doing the full-day Facilitator Workshop on Wednesday 17th April.
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Workshops Facilitator: Michael Wood is an Anglican Priest, and Coach/Facilitator who has extensive experience in using, and teaching, Talking Circles in churches, NGOs, government, education, and community settings around Australia. Michael also works as Community Chaplain at St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Richmond (Victoria). Michael’s first book, “Practicing Peace: Theology, Contemplation, and Action” was published in 2022.