Diocesan Council

Diocesan Council is the oversight group for both Diocesan process and planning.

Its Roles include:

  • To oversee and support Mission and Ministry in the Diocese, including property decisions under Statute 3 (see flowchart)
  • Provide advice to the Bishop
  • Present a budget for the Diocese to Synod
  • To ensure the Diocese’s bi-cultural responsibilities are met
  • To act on behalf of Synod when Synod is not in session.

A more detailed description of the role can be found in the Diocesan Statutes; Statute 1 5:5 and Statute 3: 45-49


Current Members

The Bishop of Dunedin: Vacant – currently chaired by The Ven Jan Clak, Vicar General.

The Ven Liz Cheyne [also Archdeacon of Invercargill]
The Very Rev’d Dr Tony Curtis [Dunedin City]
Rev’d Natallie Milliken [Dunedin City]
The Ven Damon Plimmer [Central Otago – also Archdeacon]
Rev’d Canon Dr Michael Wallace [Dunedin City]

Mr Keith Gover [Southland]
Ms Nikki Gordon-Smith [Dunedin]
Mr Steve Mitchell [Southland]
Mr Theodore Rose [Dunedin]
Dr Gillian Townsley [Dunedin – St Hilda’s School Chaplain]

Ex-offcia members with a right to be present, but no voting rights are:

The Diocesan Registrar: Andrew Metcalfe
The Diocesan Ministry Educator: The Ven Dr Anne van Gend
The Diocesan Children Youth & Families Educator: Rev’d John Graveston
Archdeacon for the Rural South: The Ven Barb Walker
Archdeacon for Oamaru-East Otago: The Ven Sue McCafferty

In each even numbered year, the annual synod of the Diocese elects Diocesan Council from the members of Synod. Normally there are 5 Lay members and 5 members of the clergy. Lay members elect the lay representatives, and similarly the clergy elect the clergy representatives.



To support he work of the Diocesan Council 4 groups have been formed to oversee various work in the Diocese. Members of the Diocesan council have been allocated to each of these groups to support their work and provide connection and feedback to the Diocesan Council.

Committees are currently being refreshed in November 2024. The current groups and Diocesan Council representatives are:

Ministry Committee: The Ven Dr Anne van Gend, Rev’d Natalie Milliken,  Rev’d John Graveston, Mrs Eirwen Harris-Mitchell, Mr Theodore Rose.

Mission Committee:  Mr Keith Gover. The Ven Barb Walker, Prof Stuart Young, Dr Caroline Oliver.

Social Transformation Committee:  The Ven Jan Clark, Ms Lisa Burton,  Ms Nikkki Gordon-Smith, Rev’d Canon Rose Scott, Mr Simon Courtney, Dr Carolyn Tregea, Rev’d Canon Dr Michael Wallace.

Stewardship Committee:  Mr Steve Mitchell, The Ven Liz Cheyne, The Very Rev’d Dr Tony Curtis, Rev’d John Graveston and The Bishop.

The Diocesan Trusts Board: The Elected members of Diocesan Council along with the Bishop also hold responsibility as the Diocesan Trusts Board (not the Trust Board). The Trusts Board has responsibility for making appointment to various boards and groups in the diocese.

Have a look at the Governance Structure – Diocesan Council and Committees May 2022 and the Conflict of Interest Policy May 2022.


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