150 Years: 1869-2019
Celebration Weekend 13-15 September 2019
by Andrew Metcalfe
On Sunday 14 September 2019 as part of the second session of the sixtieth Synod, there was a Sesquicentennial (150 years) Service at St Paul’s Cathedral, Dunedin
On this page we have some video slide shows and other memories celebrating God’s work in the south for the past 150 years.
Watch a playlist of the entire 8 video collection. Click here to see a copy of the Order of Service for Sunday 15 September 2019. Links also on this page to our timeline and 150 Video collection. We also have a drop box at the bottom of this page where over 1000 photos are available.
A celebration of 150 years of Anglican faith communities responding to God’s call in Otago and Southland, reading the Bible, paying and living out the life of Jesus Christ. A selection of Photographs from the Celebration Eucharist at St Paul’s Cathedral Dunedin (film and digital) by Steve Mitchell, Julanne Clark- Morris, David Sutton and David Wright, compiled by Andrew Metcalfe. This video is part of the Diocese of Dunedin 150 years Anniversary celebrations. Music:See YouTube credits
Anticipation – before the Eucharist.
Preparations before the 150 year Celebration Eucharist…choirs rehearsing, Priests robing, banner bearers gathering, the church filling…and encouraging people to share their orders of service. Photographs by Lynda Turner Heaton, Steve Mitchell, Andrew Metcalfe.
Diocese of Dunedin 150th celebration Service Sermon 2019
The sermon given by the Right Reverend Kelvin Wright (9th Bishop of Dunedin) at St Paul’s Cathedral, Dunedin, Sunday 15 September 2019. Photograph of Bishop Kelvin by Julanne Clark-Morris, video footage by Andrew Metcalfe.
150 Years Celebration Eucharist Video Clips
Some rough and ready video clips (taken on an iPad) of parts of the celebration Eucharist at St Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday 15 September 2019. Videos taken and compiled by Andrew Metcalfe. Credits for music in YouTube description
Releasing and Planting
Releasing doves from St Paul’s Cathedral steps and planting a Kowhai tree, 15 September 2019. Photographs by Julanne Clark-Morris and Lynda Turner Heaton, complied by Andrew Metcalfe. Music credits in YouTube descriptor.
History, Kai and Keke in the Crypt
Historic displays, cutting the cake and fellowship in the Crypt as part of the 150 year celebration Eucharist at St Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday 15 September 2019. Photographs by Lynda Turner Heaton, Julanne Clark-Morris and Andrew Metcalfe.
Synod 2019.
Synod also took place on this weekend, and we have the Bishop’s Charge, photographs from Synod and other resources
Below are some links to daily offices complied by The Venerable Dr Michael Godfrey, Synod Chaplain:
Diocese of Dunedin Synod Eucharist Bishop’s Charge 2019
Bishop Steve Benford preaches at the Synod Eucharist on Friday 13 September. Video footage by John Graveston.
Diocese of Dunedin Synod 2019
Capturing some of the second session of the 60th Synod from 13 to 14 September 2019. Photographs by Andrew Metcalfe, John Graveston and Steve Mitchell.
Drop box of photographs: